HPC Immersion Application Form

This form is provided as a sample for you to see what you are expected to include in your submission. You are not permitted to submit this form. An identical form is available for you to submit once you sign in or create an account.

Required fields are shown in red, with an asterisk (*).

Thank you for applying to HPC Immersion for SC24. Note that you will be expected to attend the entire SC program (Sunday-Friday). Students typically arrive on Friday or Saturday before the conference and leave Friday of the conference. You will need to work with your instructors/professors for assignments and classes that will occur during the conference.

For information or questions about the HPC Immersion program, contact

Applicant Information
Supply your legal name. Please use standard name capitalization, neither ALL CAPS nor all lower case.
People entered here will be given access to this submission like the original submitter.
delete this entry

Due to your experience level, we suggest you apply to be a Student Volunteer here.

Due to your experience level, we suggest you apply to be a Student Volunteer here.

Application to Other SC24 Activities
Due to your experience level, we suggest you apply to be a Student Volunteer here.
Due to your experience level, we suggest you apply to be a Student Volunteer here.
HPC Immersion Motivation
Recommender Information
Pick a recommender that knows you well and has information about your desired career path. The person you choose will be asked to speak about how the HPC Immersion program will benefit you and your future. A recommender could be an instructor, academic advisor, academic or personal mentor, club president, or other professional.

Contact your recommender before you enter their information below. Ask if they have time to write you a good letter of recommendation before June 19, 2024. We need their letter to consider your application.

If you don't know who you want to use yet, you can save your application and fill it out later. Don't forget to come back, though! Your application isn't complete until you hit "submit".
When you submit this form, people entered here will be sent an email requesting that they submit a HPC Immersion Recommendation, if they have not already been contacted. If you are not ready for them to be contacted, do not enter their information yet. Be sure to give them sufficient time, however. HPC Immersion Recommendations are due by 11:59pm (AoE) Jun 19, 2024. You can update this information until submissions close.

delete this entry

Learn about HPC Immersion Program
SC Communication

Important Notes
  • If you have entered a recommender's email, they will be contacted to complete the HPC Immersion Recommendation form regardless of whether you chose "Save as Draft" or "Submit as Complete." No further email will be sent unless you modify the recommender email field.
  • When you submit the form, wait to see if any errors are reported. If errors are not fixed, it will not be counted as submitted.
  • When this submission has been received, a confirmation email will be sent to the applicant entered above. These emails should be kept as receipts. If they do not get this email, it is likely that the submission has not been received. They should verify that they can see it on their "My Submissions" page, and if not, resubmit. It is your responsibility to confirm that the submission has been received.
  • You can save a draft of this submission with the "Save as Draft" button below. You must eventually press the "Submit as Completed" button before the deadline in order for your submission to be evaluated. Both drafts and complete submissions can be updated until the deadline.
  • The applicant entered above can update this submission until submissions close.
