Birds of a Feather Session Submission Form

This form is provided as a sample for you to see what you are expected to include in your submission. You are not permitted to submit this form. An identical form is available for you to submit once you sign in or create an account.

Required fields are shown in red, with an asterisk (*).

Submission Instructions

Use this form to submit a proposal to host a Birds of a Feather (BOF) session at SC24. Follow the directions on the form to make your submission, and be sure to click the "Submit button" at the bottom of the form. Submissions are being accepted from 12am (AoE) Jan 1, 2024 till 11:59pm (AoE) Jul 5, 2024. We plan to announce decisions at 11:59pm (AoE) Aug 16, 2024.

We remind you that BOFs are interactive, community building, non-commercial venues. Before submitting, consider whether your proposed session fits this description. Consider also whether there is another group of people who are likely to submit a similar BOF and whether you should merge your proposal with theirs. Upon review of your BOF proposal, the BOFs committee may suggest combining with other proposals.

A proposal must be submitted for all BOFs and Meetings to be held at SC24. Even if your BOF has been held at SC since the first time the conference was held, you cannot assume that it will be held at SC24 - you must submit a proposal that will be reviewed and evaluated against the other submissions.

Selected BOF proposals will rank high in terms for their potential for community building, relevance to the expected audience, the level of audience participation, and the timeliness of the topic. Other criteria may be considered as well. BoFs are expected to have a limited amount of vendor-specific content.

Provide the title of your proposed BOF. If your BOF is accepted, this is the title for the session that will be used in the program, please use standard title case. Use initial-caps for all verbs and for most other words except prepositions. Use initial-caps for the 2nd of hyphenated words.
Session Leader Information
Provide information about the Primary Session Leader exactly as you would like it to appear in the program if your BOF submission is accepted. Please check your spelling, use standard capitalization (e.g., "Chris Smith" is acceptable but not "CHRIS SMITH" or "chris smith"), and confirm the email address.
People entered here will be given access to this submission like the original submitter.
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Birds of a Feather focus on community building. Because of this interactive nature, we have decided that in 2024, after a few years, it should go back to 100% in-person sessions. Therefore, we ask that you only submit a BoF if you plan to participate in person.

Additional Session Leader Information
Please provide information about additional Session Leaders. Anyone who will be a speaker at the BOF must be included as either Prmary Session Leader above or entered here. Enter the information exactly as you would like it to appear in the program if your submission is accepted. Please check spelling, use standard capitalization (e.g., "Chris Smith" but not "CHRIS SMITH" or "chris smith"), and confirm the email address for each.
People entered here will be given access to this submission like the original submitter.
Additional Session Leader 1:
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Birds of a Feather focus on community building. Because of this interactive nature, we have decided that in 2024, after a few years, it should go back to 100% in-person sessions. Therefore, we ask that you only submit a BoF if you plan to participate in person.

BOF Topic Area
Please select the topic area that best fits your BOF submission.  If none of the topic areas fit, please select "Other." Please select Meetings for society or SC meetings, and TOP 500.
Provide a short description of your proposed BOF, clearly stating its goal(s), topic, format, and intended audience. If your BOF is accepted, this information will be used in the program. Indicate paragraph breaks by a blank line in the text field; all other text formatting will be lost.
Long Description
Provide a description of your proposed BOF, clearly stating its goal(s), topic, relevance to the expected HPC audience, whether the BOF has been held before and past attendance count(s). and the expected outcome. Indicate paragraph breaks by a blank line in the text field; all other text formatting will be lost.  [Note: BOF Meetings - please enter "N/A"]
Session format
Description of the session format
Provide a short description on how you plan to organize the BOF session, to justify, clarify and expand on your selections in the "Session format" part of the submission. In your response, keep in mind the guidelines from the Call for BOFs about what is appropriate for an SC BOF.  [Note: BOF Meetings, please enter "N/A"]
BOFs at recent SCs
Provide information on whether your proposed BOF has been held at recent SC conferences. If it was held at any of those conferences, answer all questions. If it was not held at any of the past four SC conferences, answer the first question and skip the remaining questions in this section.
Scheduling Information
Please provide scheduling preferences for your BOF. If desired, provide the preferred date and time for your BOF. Note that we may not be able to satisfy every accepted BOF's preference, and we may not schedule BOFs in each of the indicated time slots. Please also provide one to three keywords or phrases that describe the topic of your BOF.
If your BOF has a website you may enter its URL here so that it will be displayed in the online program for attendees to use.
If your BOF is accepted, you will be asked to confirm your participation.

Also, changes to the information you submit here will not be allowed after the submission deadline. If your submission is accepted, you will need to submit the final version of your title, abstract, and presenter information in the Stage 2 submission.
SC Communication

Important Notes
  • When you submit the form, wait to see if any errors are reported. If errors are not fixed, it will not be counted as submitted.
  • When this submission has been received, a confirmation email will be sent to each additional session leader and session leader entered above. These emails should be kept as receipts. If they do not get this email, it is likely that the submission has not been received. They should verify that they can see it on their "My Submissions" page, and if not, resubmit. It is your responsibility to confirm that the submission has been received.
  • Each additional session leader and session leader entered above can update this submission until submissions close.