Tutorial Submission Form

This form is provided as a sample for you to see what you are expected to include in your submission. You are not permitted to submit this form. An identical form is available for you to submit once you sign in or create an account.

Required fields are shown in red, with an asterisk (*).

As you fill out the form below, please be aware of the following:

ACM Electronic Release Forms

Tutorials that are accepted for presentation at SC will have their notes distributed in electronic form and will thus require presenters to fill out the ACM release form granting SC the right to reproduce the notes. Forms will be made available to presenters of accepted tutorials after final decisions are made in late June. Tutorial authors retain all intellectual property rights for their tutorial materials. The release form gives ACM the right to distribute the tutorial notes in electronic form.

Tutorial Participant Designations
  • “Presenter” – A person who is a presenter at the tutorial. A presenter is expected to attend the tutorial in person and is eligible for some part of their tutorial’s honorarium, travel expense reimbursement, and/or complimentary registration.
  • “Lead presenter” – The presenter authorized to speak for/make decisions for all of the tutorial’s presenters as recognized by the SC Tutorials Chair. A lead presenter is also considered a presenter.
  • “Assistant” – A person assisting with the hands-on component of a tutorial but not designated as a presenter. These people are not eligible for the Tutorial's Breakfast, honorarium, or travel reimbursement.
Note: The tutorial submitter is assumed to be the "lead presenter."

Tutorial Participant Quotas
  • Full-day: at most 6 presenters and 2 assistants.
  • Half-day: at most 3 presenters and 2 assistants.
  • Including assistants requires a justification, and the request will be decided on by the SC Tutorials Chair.
Honorarium and Travel Reimbursement
  • Travel reimbursement is limited to airfare and use of a personal vehicle only, with a maximum of $800 per presenter (increased to $1400 for presenters traveling from outside North America).
  • At most 4 presenters may claim airfare for full-day tutorials, and at most 2 presenters for half-day tutorials.
  • The honorarium may be split between at most 4 presenters for full-day tutorials and between at most 2 presenters for half-day tutorials.

For titles, please use standard capitalization.  Use initial-caps for all verbs and for most other words except prepositions.  Use initial-caps for the 2nd of hyphenated words
Tutorial Information
Presenter Information
Please list all presenters, including yourself. Please keep in mind the limits on numbers of presenters (details above).

Please keep in mind the following:
  • Travel support for presenters of accepted tutorials will be available for at most two presenters for half day tutorials and four presenters for full day tutorials. Travel reimbursement is limited to airfare and use of a personal vehicle only, with a maximum of $800 per presenter (increased to $1400 for presenters traveling from outside North America).
  • The honorarium may be split between at most 4 presenters for full-day tutorials and between at most 2 presenters for half-day tutorials.
People entered here will be given access to this submission like the original submitter.
Presenter 1:
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SC24 is planning an in-person event and Tutorial Presenters are expected to attend the Tutorial in person. A supporting digital experience will be available for attendees .

Please check the keywords and phrases listed below that best describe your tutorial. Please select at least 1 option but not more than 5.
Enter up to 200 words, suitable for publication, in the text area below. Abstracts over 200 words will be returned for shortening. If your tutorial is accepted, this is the text that will be used for advance publicity. Suggestion: copy the abstract from your Tutorial Proposal document (see below) and paste it here. Please indicate paragraph breaks by a blank line in the text field; all other text formatting will be lost. IMPORTANT: What you enter here will be what appears on the SC web pages, Final Program, and Proceedings.
Infrastructure Needs
Assistant Needs
Please specify whether you will be requesting assistants and, if so, how many. Please include in your Tutorial Proposal document a strong justification as to why the assistants are needed. Note, the limit on assistant requests is 2 per tutorial (for both half- and full-day tutorials). All assistants require final approval from the Tutorials Chairs. Assistants are not eligible for the tutorial breakfast, honoraria, or travel reimbursement. However, there is a limited number of complimentary registrations that can be made available for assistants.
Preferred Duration
Please indicate your preference for duration. This will be taken into consideration, but we may not guarantee your first preference.

Carefully consider your proposed tutorial goals and the duration required to adequately support those. If you select the option "Prefer full-day, can do half-day" your tutorial may be accepted as a half-day tutorial. Please only select this option if your proposed tutorial goals can be accomplished in a half-day setting.
Tutorial Proposal
Please see the SC24 Tutorials Submissions page for details regarding what to include in a tutorials proposal. Please pay particular attention to the section titled "How to Submit".
Sample of Visual Material
You may provide samples of your visual materials here. The most reliable way to do this is to supply a single URL that points to a place where you have them posted on the web. Alternatively, you may upload a file (PowerPoint or PDF only) containing samples of your visual materials. (Suggestion: To avoid broken links resulting from typographical errors, copy the url from your browser and paste it into the field below.) NOTE: including samples of your materials is highly encouraged and may significantly benefit the review of your submission.
Release of Tutorial Notes
A digital copy of all tutorial notes will be made available to tutorial registrants.
SC Communication
Important Notes
  • When you submit the form, wait to see if any errors are reported. If errors are not fixed, it will not be counted as submitted.
  • When this submission has been received, a confirmation email will be sent to each presenter entered above. These emails should be kept as receipts. If they do not get this email, it is likely that the submission has not been received. They should verify that they can see it on their "My Submissions" page, and if not, resubmit. It is your responsibility to confirm that the submission has been received.
  • Each presenter entered above can update this submission until submissions close.