Doctoral Showcase Submission Form

This form is provided as a sample for you to see what you are expected to include in your submission. You are not permitted to submit this form. An identical form is available for you to submit once you sign in or create an account.

Required fields are shown in red, with an asterisk (*).

Before you begin this submission, please first view a sample review form for this year's Doctoral Showcase submissions.

Enter your Thesis Canvas/talk title. Please use standard title capitalization. Use initial-caps for most words except prepositions. Also use initial-caps for both parts of hyphenated words.
Author Information
SC24 is planning an in-person event and presenting in-person is mandatory for posters.

Make sure your name is entered exactly as you would like it to appear in the program if your submission is accepted. Please double-check spelling, use standard capitalization (i.e., "Chris Smith"; not "CHRIS SMITH" nor "chris smith"), verify institution name, and confirm the email addresses.
People entered here will be given access to this submission like the original submitter.
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Advisor Information
Please list the name of your PhD advisor. You may list up to two people if you are co-advised. Please use standard name capitalization appropriate for publication, neither ALL CAPS nor all lower case.
People entered here will be given access to this submission like the original submitter.
Advisor 1:
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Expected Graduation Date
Provide an Abstract (no more than 250 words) for your PhD dissertation. Indicate paragraph breaks by a blank line in the text field; all other text formatting will be lost.
Thesis Canvas
Please upload your Thesis Canvas (i.e., poster) as a PDF file (maximum file size allowed is 25 MB). The Thesis Canvas should be self-contained and describe your major research contributions. Please keep in mind that your Thesis Canvas is an additional opportunity to showcase your research to SC attendees, before/after your oral presentation. Your Thesis Canvas will be evaluated primarily on technical content, and presentation aesthetics will be a secondary consideration.

Posters are expected to be a single page and must fit on a 4-feet tall x 6.5-feet wide display board. We recommend preparing a poster in landscape orientation that is at least 3-feet tall and 4-feet wide. You may browse past Supercomputing conference Archives (e.g., to view Doctoral Showcase Thesis Canvas presentations.
List of Research Artifacts developed (Publications, Software, etc.)
Please submit a list of peer-reviewed publications directly contributing to your PhD dissertation as a PDF file. Please give the complete author list, the title, the year, and the venue where the publications have appeared or will appear. For each publication, underline your name in the author list if you are the primary student author. Also, for conference and workshop publications, please indicate the number of submissions and the number of accepted papers, if known.

You may include software created, papers under review, in preparation, technical reports, and unrefereed papers in a separate section of this file.
Conference Presentations
SC is gathering all presentations and other 'live' material (PowerPoint presentations, PDF slides, etc.) to archive at the ACM/IEEE archive. This material, collected at the conference, will be a permanent record of the conference and available for download after the conference. You will be requested to submit it around the time of the conference.
Changes to the information you submit here will not be allowed after the submission deadline. You can change the information any time before the submission deadline. If your submission is accepted, you will still be asked to confirm your participation and upload Program Material after revisions.
SC Communication

Important Notes
  • When you submit the form, wait to see if any errors are reported. If errors are not fixed, it will not be counted as submitted.
  • When this submission has been received, a confirmation email will be sent to each advisor and author entered above. These emails should be kept as receipts. If they do not get this email, it is likely that the submission has not been received. They should verify that they can see it on their "My Submissions" page, and if not, resubmit. It is your responsibility to confirm that the submission has been received.
  • Each advisor and author entered above can update this submission until submissions close.